兒童汽車安全座椅第 1 部分 - 安省的法律規定 Child Car Seat Part 1 - The Legal Rules in Ontario
確保您的孩子在駕駛時的安全很重要。It is important to keep your children safe under driving.

以下資料, 暫時以英文陳述, 深感抱歉.
"In Ontario, all drivers — including visiting drivers — must make sure that children under the age of 16 wear a seatbelt and children under the age of 8 are properly secured in the correct child car seat or booster seat.
You can be charged under the Highway Traffic Act for failing to secure a child under your care. If convicted, you can face:
fine of $240
two demerit points on your driving record
Exemptions from Ontario's child car seat requirements
Some drivers are exempt from the legal requirements of child car seats and booster seats including drivers of:
● taxicab transporting a passenger for hire except when:
○ children for personal reasons◦
○ operating a taxi while under contract with a school board or other authority for the transportation of
● bus or public vehicle transporting a passenger for hire
● an ambulance as defined in section 61 of the Highway Traffic Act
● vehicles that only have lap belts (exempted from using booster seats only)"
Viewed: Dec 23, 2021
Source: https://www.ontario.ca/page/choosing-child-car-seat