兒童汽車安全座椅第 2 部分 - 不同年齡段汽車座椅的種類 Child Car Seat Part 2 - The Types of Car Seat for Different Ages
選擇適合您孩子的兒童汽車安全座椅或增高座椅 Choosing a child car seat or booster seat to suit your child

以下資料, 暫時以英文陳述, 深感抱歉.
"A child’s developmental stage, weight and height can help determine what type of child car seat is best suited for them:
● Rear-facing Child Car Seat for baby/infant with weight up to 9 kg (20 lb) Height requirement : None
● Forward-facing Child Car Seat for toddler with weight between 9- 18 kg (20-40 lb) Height requirement : None
● Booster Seat for children under the age of 8 with weight between 18-36 kg (40-80 lb) Height requirement: Under 145 cm (4ft 9 in) tall.
our child can use a seatbelt alone when they reach any of the following milestones:
● turns 8 years old
● weighs 36 kg (80 lb)
● reaches a height of 145 cm (4 ft 9 in) or more
Follow recommendations from the manufacturer
It’s safest to keep your child in a child car seat or booster seat until they reach the maximum weight and height limits of the child car seat.
Most child car seats do not allow the use of aftermarket products and advise to not dress the child in bulky clothing or sports gear as it can compromise the fit of the harness.
Always follow the recommended use set out by the manufacturer".
Viewed: Dec 23, 2021
Source: https://www.ontario.ca/page/choosing-child-car-seat