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安省註冊護士 Registered Practical Nurse in Ontario

這篇文章簡要告訴你如何成為安省註冊護士This article briefly tell you how you become a registered nurse in Ontario

安省註冊護士 Registered Practical Nurse in Ontario

以下資料, 暫時以英文陳述, 深感抱歉.
"To practice as a Registered Practical Nurse in Ontario, you are required to be licensed by the College of Nurses of Ontario (CNO). This program (Nursing) gives you the necessary knowledge and skills to write the Canadian Practical Nurse Registration Examination in Ontario.

Registered Practical Nurses work in close collaboration with health-care teams. You may find employment in a variety of settings such as community clinics, private homes, long-term care homes, and medical, surgical, and obstetrical units.

For more information on the Nursing Profession, please review the Fact Sheet Requisite Skills and Abilities for Nursing Practice in Ontario, available on the CNO website at".
Viewed: Dec 20, 2021

"The Nursing Act requires that all graduate practical nurses wishing to work in Ontario must be registered with the College of Nurses of Ontario. The Nursing Act also states graduates must not have been convicted of a criminal offence or an offence under the Narcotic Control Act (Canada) or the Food and Drugs Act (Canada). In addition, the Nursing Act identifies a number of other abilities and requirements that must be met in order to practice nursing in the province of Ontario. The College of Nurses of OntarioGraduate practical nurses wishing to register with the College of Nurses of Ontario must sign a declaration of their status regarding: citizenship; permanent residence; immigration; convictions of a criminal offence under the Narcotic Control Act/Food and Drug Act; involvement with respect to professional misconduct, incompetence or incapacity in Ontario in another health profession; any mental or physical disorder, which makes it desirable in the public interest that the person not practice nursing. These conditions also apply throughout the program. In preparation to pursuing a nursing career, we encourage all prospective nursing students to carefully consider the requisite skills and abilities for nursing practice in Ontario outlined by the College of Nurses of Ontario".
Viewed: Dec 20, 2021

"Become a Nurse

All Registered Nurses, Registered Practical Nurses and Nurse Practitioners practicing within Ontario are members of the College of Nurses of Ontario.

Only members of CNO are allowed to refer to themselves as nurses in Ontario. A valid certificate of registration from CNO is required of all nurses who wish to practice nursing in Ontario and perform the procedures in the Controlled Acts that are authorized to nursing.

Applicants to CNO can be divided into four groups:

1. Ontario applicants

2. Canadian applicants
For graduates of Canadian nursing programs outside Ontario or nurses registered elsewhere in Canada

3. Nurse practitioner applicants
For those wishing to enter CNO's Extended Class.

4. International applicants
For nurses educated outside Canada who are not registered to practice nursing in any Canadian jurisdiction".
Viewed: Dec 20, 2021


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